Washington, DC
The latest report from NOAA fisheries revealed a historic decline in overfished stocks. Several fish stocks appear to be on the rise in regions like the Gulf of Maine and the Gulf of Mexico. Atlantic Mackerel and Coho salmon were among the species removed from the list, raising optimism for the continuation of this positive trend in the years ahead.
The annual report assessed the health of 506 stock agencies with the report finding that 94 percent of stocks are not subject to overfishing. That is a small improvement from the report the year prior with 93 percent. The overfishing list in the report also went from 24 stocks to 21 stocks a record low. A major win being that of Coho salmon which had been on the list since the year 2000. Now successfully restocked thanks to the use of habitat restoration and responsive fishery management. The NOAA administrator, Rick Spinrad stated “By ending overfishing and rebuilding stocks, we are strengthening the value of U.S. fisheries to the economy, our communities, and marine ecosystems,”. The NOAA will continue its advances in the hope of reaching its goal of 100% sustainable fishing.