Tripletail Fillets
#61201 1/10 lb.
#61202 1/5 lb.
Wild-Caught, Fresh, Skin-On, Boneless
Product of Canada
Available Wednesday, July 24, 2024 (while supplies last).
Commonly known as the Atlantic Triple Tail is a medium-sized saltwater game fish. It has an olive color mixed with dark or white blotches. Its caudal fin has a round shape and both its anal and rear dorsal fin have a round shape that extends toward the back. The appearance of the rear dorsal fin and anal fin has the same shape as the caudal fin, hence the name triple tail.
The tripletail is found in the tropical and subtropical waters of oceans around the world. In the western Atlantic, their range is from Massachusetts to Argentina. Adults are mainly found in offshore waters and bays.
The tripletail is slowly becoming a popular game fish in the fly fishing world. Anglers often target weed lines to find them.
- Good source of Omega-3 source
- Vitamins including B12 and D
- Good source of protein
- Excellent source of selenium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium
Texture & Flavor Profile:
- Tough skin and firm flesh
- Mild delicate flavor
- Similar to snapper and grouper
Recommended Cooking Methods:
Grilling, Baking, Pan-searing, Broiling